Thursday, April 7, 2011


Why do the powers that be in sports assume that only males are interested? Why is every commercial full of scantily clad women? Why does FSN use a sexy girl dolled up in some Tigers gear for its segues? I must protest. There are a lot of women who love ball. I am one of them. Do I want to watch bimbos during every break from play?

I'm gonna have to give you a big fat no on that one. Could we strip (pun intended) the chauvinism out of sports please? I mean, it's only 2011. Sigh. /kicks wall, stubs toe, refuses to cry out in pain

Anyway, I'm done with that topic. If I were to say anything else, I wouldn't trust myself to be rational and cool-headed. I was already going on tilt, so I will simply shut my mouth on the subject.

I must tell you that I called Jackson's RBI double tonight. I said he would get off the schneid moments before he swatted the ball (as my husband was deriding him for having a .174 batting average). I was right. Yes, you may bring offerings and gifts. Season tickets, for example, are always a tasteful choice.

Our pitching, outside of Justin Verlander's sparkling outing last night, has left much to be desired. Brad Penny will soon draw catcalls and jeers. Relievers are allowing runners to circle the bases at a dizzying rate. I was concerned about a few areas, but this...this is not pleasing. Let us hope that the healing properties of Comerica Park turn these fellows around.


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for writing this.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. All these longballs we're serving up are making me cranky, Jen!

  4. I know. Even though a few of them were cheapies in NY, it's still maddening.

  5. @CatsWithBats, you're welcome. I don't ordinarily like to get preachy, but I couldn't help it in this case. ;)

  6. Don't the women have nice things to look at whilst the game is in progress? Can't we men have just a little something between innings?

  7. Maybe when the ballplayers start playing shirtless and making goo-goo eyes at us in the stands like that FSN girl does....;)
