Monday, May 11, 2009

The Metro-dump

I wish I could say this is the last time the Tigers will play in the landfill known as the Metrodome.  Sadly, barring post-season play, that date does not arrive until September 20, 2009. 

Allow me to express, with heightened fervor, my abject abhorrence of the park in which home games are played by the Minnesota Twins.  The reasons are obvious, but I don't mind mentioning them:

The Baggie--offensive in its garbage bag plasticity.  This is not a wall, it's a disposable partition fashioned of sheeting.

The Carpet--so wretchedly ugly, so unnatural in its surface.  It makes balls go fast and take stupid hops.

The Dome--with its weird currents (and I love--and subscribe to--the conspiracy theory that its heating/cooling system is rigged in favor of the Twinkies).

So happy someone approved funds for a new park.  So ecstatic to see our Tigers relieved of the unfriendly Metrodome confines after 2009.  So enamored of the sight unseen Target Field, simply because it is NOT the stinking homerdome.  I did see some pictures/progress notes here.


  1. The Metrodome does have the "Fit-hit $25,000" banner out in right field which Griffey hit the other night.

    Otherwise, yep a pretty pathetic park.

  2. See, the only thing it has is a sponsored banner--paid advertising for Subway! :)
