Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane (After Tiger Fest)

Get me out of this snow-infested, no street plowing, wind chill calculating state!  The crunch of snow beneath my boots no longer enchants me.  Shoveling no longer holds the novelty of a good workout--it's mere drudgery now.  Don't even get me started on the 50-foot roof rake I must employ to prevent ice damming and the subsequent leaking into my dining room.  You can see where I'm going with this.  Straight to my local sanitorium.

But wait, there is something that could save the remaining vestiges of right-mindedness.  Book me the first outbound flight to Florida, please.  I'll take care of digging out some long disused shorts and t-shirts, some sunblock for my blue/white skin, and scoring some Spring Training tickets.  Also, better break out a fresh pack of razors for my sasquatch legs.  Sorry, WAY to much information.  

I've never been to a Spring Training game at the hallowed Lakeland Tigertown complex, but this year, it's sounding like just what my mental health specialist ordered.  I'll be in Lakeland for Spring Training, "if only in my dreams."

Well, I don't know whether I'll make it there, but if you do, please tell me all about it.  I've also never been to Tiger Fest, and I'm going on Saturday.  Wowee!  I'm looking forward to touring the clubhouse and other areas off limits to civilians.  Please forward tips if you've got any.  Don't worry, I've got my expectations set real low, so as to brook disappointment.  I'm not sure if these things are really awkward and stupid or not.  Luckily, I'll have my 9 year old son in tow, so we can always just hit the kid's batting cages and whatnot, and cut our losses otherwise if necessary.

Counting down to any and all baseball-related dates.  For example, one such date has already passed.  Some pitchers have reported to Lakeland for "early conditioning."  Hurrah!  Anything, anything at all that seems to prod immovable time onward toward the ever far off baseball season.


  1. You're going to lose your yooper card for that one ;)

  2. I know--very weak of me. Hey, what's up with yer blog? Have you been too busy with the MJ? I need to put an RSS feed of that on my news bookmark.
